anchor ring

美 [ˈæŋkər rɪŋ]英 [ˈæŋkə(r) rɪŋ]
  • 锚固环;环面
anchor ringanchor ring


a toroidal shape
a ring of ships in the harbor
a halo of smoke
Synonym: ring halo annulus doughnut


  1. The good connection between the steel sleeve and the anchor ring is ensured by the fastening of the high strength screw nut .


  2. The results show that with the increase of the cone angles and the coefficients of friction in the certain range , the stress of the anchor ring can gradually decrease .


  3. Some new design method of non-circle cross section pressure vessel is mentioned . The iterative equation and calculation curve for stress analysis of rib and anchor ring by adopting energy method are recommended .
